? How can I design a mobile app for my business
The first thing you’d want to do is find apps that are similar to your business. Pay attention to their UI/UX and implement your own wireframes based off that. You want to make the experience as easy as possible for your users and not bog them down with thinking about what they need to do, they should just KNOW what to do.
Sketching out wireframes is incredibly useful to understand how everything will work..
After wireframes are more or less complete and you have an idea about how all the pieces of your app will work, you should hire a designer to polish the UI and make it look professional. You can do this yourself with enough practice and a few online courses on Sketch. If you have the time, I’d recommend teaching yourself since its a very valuable skill to learn. You can use sites like dribbble, Show and tell for designers, to view professional designs and get some ideas of your own.
The next step is the hardest, programming. First you need to decide if you will be releasing the app on all major platforms? (iOS, Android…)? Then you need to decide if you will program the app natively, swift/obj-c for iOS and java for Android? Or will you use a hybrid approach like React Native. I personally recommend always going native. I also recommend building the iOS version first and once the first version is finalized moving to Android. This is totally dependent on where your business is. If the majority of your customers use Android, then you should focus on that first.
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