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How do I build an app like Uber?

How do I build an app like Uber 
to build an app like Uber will depend on the following variables: (I) Size of the project and consequently total development hours. (II) Price / Hour paid for the development. (III) Productivity of the development team.

(I) Size of the Project: I strongly recommend you to simplify the project as more as you can and create a minimum viable product that has just the core features sufficient to deploy the product, and no more. Try to deploy the product to a subset of possible customers—such as early adopters thought to be more forgiving, more likely to give feedback, and able to grasp a product vision from an early prototype or marketing information. This strategy targets avoiding building products that customers do not want and seeks to maximize information about the customer per dollar spent.

(II) Price / Hour: The price per hour varies drastically depending the location the development team is working from. If your target is reducing the total project cost you should allocate your development team in countries which have good developers and a low cost of living. Some examples are Eastern Europe, India and Brazil.

(III) Development Productivity: You will increase productivity if you use frameworks to accelerate software development. Please see below some examples of good productivity tools:
 Lodex Solutions  - Will help you to accelerate up to 4x backend development.
An app usually consists of 02 different programming layers which are the backend and the frontend. Please see below some figures to forecast a development budget.

Budget for the Backend: I suggest to forecast something between USD 20k to USD 25k for the first cycle of development. It’s important to use the MVP – Minimum Viable Product concept and make things as simple as possible during the initial development cycle. This cycle should not take more than 3 months.
Total Development Budget: Please project something between USD 40k to USD 50k for the first development round. Please bear in mind you can blow this money very fast and please make sure you focus on key features. Have the initial features set online and test your business. An additional development round should be done after customer feedback.

You will need also to budget for continuous support and maintenance of your app. A good rule of thumb is something between 5% to 10% of the original software project.


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