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عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2018

Learn mobile app development (iOS / Android / Windows Phone)?

Learn mobile app development (iOS / Android / Windows Phone)? Follow the following generic steps in the order of learning: Mobile OS basics. Understand why a mobile platform is created and relative pros and cons of each platform. Software and hardware architecture Mobile platform design User Experience/Interface Basics Design guidelines and best practices Basic usage of APIs, Libraries, protocols, etc. in general in the programming language used. Core development part begins from official developer documentation (refer the platform you want to develop for) Understand SDK (Software Development Kits), emulators, extensions and their better alternatives. Resources required for implementing a particular kind of functionality. Code maintenance, integration and syncing - SCM like GitHub or BitBucket. Community involvement with developer groups, pages, meetups and organisations. Testing guidelines and associated tools, testing kits, mechanisms, etc. Dedicated testing ...

the best way to learn how to draw

Drawing is a skill which develops as you practice. You're not alone when you say that you're terrible at drawing; all the great artists have started drawing with  stick figures  at some point in their life. Figures like this one - ​The reason why they went ahead from these so called " stick figures"  to something much more, is that they had an insatiable desire within them to draw even better, every time they put their pencil on paper. This shear fact separated them from the rest, and that's the only reason why they were successful in honing their skill to reach where they reached later on in their respective lives. First and foremost, the one great thing that's in your favor is- the fact that you are dedicated to improve your drawing. I say this because it seems that way, as you are asking this question. And this is really important because any art form can not be learned just for the sake of it; there has to be passion, interest, curiosity, and ded...

learn to draw comics or manga

My journey towards mastering manga was started when I was in class 4. I used to watch anime shows like Beyblade, transformers (Japanese not American) etc and as soon as the show ended, I grabbed few A4 papers, a pencil and eraser and drew out the things that I thought could have made the episode more interesting. During class 6, one of my senior came to know about my passion and asked me if I am putting my comics and manga on sale. I immediately agreed ( I am in dire need of color pastels :) ) and he paid 20 rupees for iron man and wolverine comics. Soon people from other higher classes came to know about my works and reached out for me at recess to buy them. This really encouraged me to come up with more interesting stories and twists in plots. I usually earned from Rs.100 to Rs. 150 at the end of the week when I didn’t even knew the word “ENTREPRENEUR”. But soon this journey ended as one of my class teacher complaint against me to principal saying that I wasn’t concentrating ...

Can I make an Android app with Python?

PyMob is a platform where apps can be written purely in Python and the compiler tool-flow (PyMob) converts them in  native source codes  for various platforms. There are few aspects which make PyMob approach  truly unique. Firstly, writing apps in Python is certainly simpler than  Obj-C, Java or JavaScript (some would disagree).  Secondly, the spec has  to be written in Python just once. Thirdly, PyMob generates native  source code for all the supported platforms. The generated native source  code is virtually indistinguishable from a hand written code and can be  further optimized by native compilers. More information on PyMob is  available at  http://pyzia.com/technology.html Here  are "cons" which are typically mentioned for any cross-platform mobile  app development platform and my inputs on how PyMob fares: 1.The Framework Might Not Support Every Feature of an Operating System or Device:  In the PyMob...