started going deeper into computers and programming, I realized how big a field Game Development(not just Game Programming,) is and that there's so much to do before you can actually build a game. It's very hard for just on person to build a game in a short time. To give a simple answer:
your basic math and physics right. Irrespective of what anybody might say, you NEED these. You cannot build even the simplest of games without at least some math.
2. Learn to be organized. Very important. While developing a game, you cannot just sit in front of the computer, type some code and expect to not hit hard hurdles. Before you start building a game, you need to plan. What kind of a game are you building? What is it about? What are the elements involved? What is the story? How do things work in your game? You need to get the basic framework right.
If you're looking at big, Call Of Duty-like games:
3. Learn to code. Start with very basic programming, like Python. Then, progress to more advanced languages like C an Java. Also, learn some basic graphics programming with the native libraries.
4. Progress to learning graphics libraries like OpenGL or DirectX. You'll need these for the graphics part. Also, you'll probably need to know how to animate.
If you want basic 2D/web games:
3. Learn to code Flash. Best for building simple games.
After all that, get somebody who can write stories. And somebody who's good at art. You need stories for the game and a designer to design characters, elements, environments, etc.
Combine the above with your programming/animating skills, and you have a game!
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