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How to Build a Website

STEP #1: Choose Your Website Platform Before you start worrying about colour schemes and domain names, you’ve got to decide what platform you’re going to build your website with. What do I mean by “platform”? Well, back in 2004 when I got started with web development, most sites were built using HTML (code), CSS and even Flash. These took a lot of time to learn and were tricky to master. That’s why most people still think creating a website from scratch is difficult or requires a lot of coding and design skills – but that’s no longer true! In 2016, content management systems (CMS) like WordPress have made creating a website accessible to everyone. To put simply, a content management system (or website building platform) is a user-friendly platform for building websites and managing your own online content, instead of using a bunch of loose HTML pages. Why WordPress and not website builders? Because at this point there are no better/easier ways to build a website… But ...
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برامج صناعة الرسوم المتحركة "2D" و "3D"

تعد صناعة أفلام الكارتون والأنيميشن من الصناعات الضخمة والمكلفة، إلا أن ظهور التكنولوجيا وكثير من التطبيقات تسهل من صناعتها كثيرا، مع توفير الكثير من الأموال التي يتم إنفاقها لعمل أفلام مميزة. ونرصد 3 برامج لعمل أفلام أنيميشن 3D 1- برنامج Autodesk 3DS Max يتميز البرنامج بأنه سهل الاستخدام، وسريع، ويمكن من خلاله ابتكار شخصيات مختلفة ثلاثية الأبعاد، البرنامج غير مجانى إلا أنه يمكن تحميله للتجربة، أو الحصول عليه مجانا لمدة 3 سنوات في حالة كنت طالب، ويمكن تحميله من  خلال الرابط  2-برنامج Cinema 4D. ويتميز البرنامج بتوفير مجموعة واسعة من الإصدارات المختلفة، والتي تناسب كافة الاحتياجات وميزانية المستخدم، البرنامج سهل الاستخدام، ويوفر الكثير من الخيارات التي تمكن من عمل فيلم احترافى، ويمكن التحميل من  خلال الرابط   بعد اختيار الإصدار المناسب. 3- برنامج FlipaClip  وهو تطبيق خاص بالهواتف الذكية العاملة بنظام أندرويد، البرنامج سهل الاستخدام، التطبيق يقدم العديد من المزايا من طبقات الرسم، وجدول زمنى وأدوات مختلفة للرسم، ويمكن تحميله من خلال الرابط  4- تطبيق Anim...

Become a 3D animation artist

There are really two parts to becoming an animator. For lack of a more elegant way to put it, there's the  computer  part and the  art  part. The computer part is fairly easy to learn: there is a lot of software to get used to, but this mostly requires patience and willingness to experiment.  The usual standard for professional animators is  Autodesk Maya , which you can download for free if you're a student (An on-going professional license is pretty expensive -- most of the times those are sold directly to studios rather than to individuals.).    There several free or low-cost competing products that work on the same basic principles, for example  Source Filmmaker ,  Hash Animation Master,  and  Blender  -- there are of course many differences in detail but all of these work use the same basic concepts.   There are pretty good online resources for all of them, but nothing is as important as time: i...

Game Development

Game Development Gaming and entertainment has become an essential part in mobile and web industry, turning into a rapidly growing industry worth billions of dollars globally. Millions of smartphone users and tech-savvy people spend their time playing games on their mobiles, laptops or tablets. Developing unique and memorable games requires technical expertise, creative minds as well as effective storytelling. Our gaming experts possess the potential to develop a great deal of games for all the leading mobile operating systems. We initiate the development process by developing a clear understanding of requisites and specifications, then indulge into agile development cycles using SCRUM and Extreme Programming and quickly take your game to market with top quality. We work on all kinds of games, including: 2D and 3D game engine programming, development and modification Core and casual game designing Educational gaming apps Edutainment – entertainment plus educative – ap...

Learn mobile app development (iOS / Android / Windows Phone)?

Learn mobile app development (iOS / Android / Windows Phone)? Follow the following generic steps in the order of learning: Mobile OS basics. Understand why a mobile platform is created and relative pros and cons of each platform. Software and hardware architecture Mobile platform design User Experience/Interface Basics Design guidelines and best practices Basic usage of APIs, Libraries, protocols, etc. in general in the programming language used. Core development part begins from official developer documentation (refer the platform you want to develop for) Understand SDK (Software Development Kits), emulators, extensions and their better alternatives. Resources required for implementing a particular kind of functionality. Code maintenance, integration and syncing - SCM like GitHub or BitBucket. Community involvement with developer groups, pages, meetups and organisations. Testing guidelines and associated tools, testing kits, mechanisms, etc. Dedicated testing ...

the best way to learn how to draw

Drawing is a skill which develops as you practice. You're not alone when you say that you're terrible at drawing; all the great artists have started drawing with  stick figures  at some point in their life. Figures like this one - ​The reason why they went ahead from these so called " stick figures"  to something much more, is that they had an insatiable desire within them to draw even better, every time they put their pencil on paper. This shear fact separated them from the rest, and that's the only reason why they were successful in honing their skill to reach where they reached later on in their respective lives. First and foremost, the one great thing that's in your favor is- the fact that you are dedicated to improve your drawing. I say this because it seems that way, as you are asking this question. And this is really important because any art form can not be learned just for the sake of it; there has to be passion, interest, curiosity, and ded...