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عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2018

Where should I start to learn game development?

Well I'm not discouraging you, But One learns how to write games by  writing games , I mean code and learn, code and learn and learning by doing it yourself is the best way. Before Getting into games I would suggest you to have a Good Study on computer graphics, mathematics related to graphics, Data structures and Algorithms. Start with a  programming language that is easy to use  (easy to use for you most importantly and some times it is need to be chose as per target platform) I'll suggest start learning  Unity 3d Game Engine  for fast prototyping games. Get a beginners book for that programming language Decide on some API or environment that provides what's needed for writing games. I started out by doing snake, space invaders etc in the console, but any 2D-environment will do (stay way from 3D for as long as you can; there are much more important things to learn first).  SDL / GLUT for  OpenGL  has bindings in almost any language....

What are the best cloud ERP systems for small businesses?

many businesses are moving towards SaaS model, because of obvious reasons. ERP’s are not custom tailored to your business model. ERP is not cost effective I would highly recommend going for a SaaS model instead of ERP. Advantages of using SaaS model: Cost savings and ease of adoption factor large for companies that choose SaaS. SaaS eliminates the need for on-premise server hardware. Initial application implementation can be greatly simplified compared to on-premise implementations. Users have flexibility in infrastructure scalability and choices of modules, which can offer midsize and smaller companies better pricing options compared to on-premise ERP. Software patches and updates are made to the application automatically by the provider. Companies may have some measure of control over opting out or delaying some SaaS updates. So for obvious reasons I would recommend you to go for  EMERGE App , a cloud based system for small businesses. Why EMERGE App is the b...

What ERP systems are ecommerce companies using?

Being an eCommerce and WMS consultant myself, I have done 5 full cycle ERP implementations in eCommerce compaines. And though I have evaluated various open source ERP systems and their feasibility with the eCommerce compaines, I can vouch for the  eRetail ERP  system for any eCommerce company which is looking for a stable, customizable and complete back-end solution with front-end and delivery partner integrations. I have myself implemented eRetail ERP system in various eCommerce companies and have found it to be more of a plug and play type ERP. It is SaaS based too so that you dont have to invest a lot of capital upfront Lodex

How do restaurants go about digital marketing?

One of the first things you want to do is set up your Google My Business page. It's easy, free, and foolproof--Google will send the verification code to the business owner's address. Once you sign up and fill in all the necessary details like specialty and location, people who are searching for restaurants like yours can see your shop in the local listings. Next thing is to set up social media accounts. Sites like Facebook and Instagram are great places for sharing pictures of your venue and of your best food (photography skills are a must!). Social media also allows you to engage with users. People do like a "down-to-earth" business that responds and tries to improve their customer's experience. Restaurants might want to take advantage of national or local events in their city for promos, discounts, or food stalls.  Digital marketing in Davao -based restaurants, for example, can make use of the "weekend markets". These events usually showcase foo...

Difference between virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality

Augmented reality and mixed reality are often used to refer to the same idea, however there are a few potential differences between the two depending on who you speak to. To some, it is semantics, while to companies like Microsoft, there is an important distinction between the two terms. The majority of mentions of augmented reality and mixed reality in the press right now refer to “mixed reality” as a synonym of “augmented reality”. Even experiences which could be under the umbrella of “mixed reality” are called “augmented reality” by the companies creating them. This is where things get confusing. “Mixed reality” is most commonly used by Microsoft to describe their HoloLens. The media often call it “augmented reality” to begin with, adding on in a rather forced sounding way — “or as Microsoft calls it, ‘mixed reality’”, followed by using the terms interchangeably throughout their articles. It is best explained by starting with the much easier definition of “virtual reality”: ...

When will virtual reality become popular?

Virtual reality is already popular in the sense the idea has a lot of backing, people are excited about it, and numerous companies are entering the market. The company I work for, FullDive, is one of them. Let's look at the history a little. The term "virtual reality" was coined in 1989 by a man named Jaron Lanier to describe tech trends occurring at the time. Think back to the Nintendo PowerGlove, and the spectacular failures of other virtual reality products at the time. The primary issue was computer technology simply was not capable of effectively doing what the designers wanted it to do. And so ended the first major push towards virtual reality technology.  Fast forward to 2012, and a nascent Oculus is coming into existence. Two years later (2014) Facebook buys Oculus for more than $2 billion, and the second wave of virtual reality begins. The difference is that tech can now support an incredibly wide range of functions that designers in 1990 could only dream of....

How to Become a UI Designer

To work effectively as a UI Designer (at least if you intend to create something new), you need to master at least the fundamental principles in three broad areas: (1) Human Behavior  - You need to understand how the human user's innate perceptual, motor, cognitive, and social abilities affect their experience of interactive systems. Attention and memory will be the most important topics, but anything from signal processing to decision making and motivation will be relevant to a particular design problem. This is a traditional human factors and is very well-documented online and in readily available published books and even college-level courses (increasingly available free and online). This is an absolute pre-requisite, and without it you will not be able to function effectively as a designer.  (2) Software Technology  - You need to understand how the various elements of the UI are actually delivered to the user, including how they are constructed, what is pos...

Learn to become an expert UI/UX designer?

Make sure you learn the following: UX research methodologies Wireframing, prototyping Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator (or Sketch) Web and mobile design As far as HTML/CSS goes, my personal opinion is that UX + UI is a heavy load as it is, but it never hurts to learn more! It's worth mentioning that as a digital designer, your work will be implemented into code. If you know the platform in which you're designing for, you'll make your life and the lives of your teammates much easier :) To get started on the UX + UI path, I would recommend any of the following online platforms: Lynda -  Online video tutorials & training  (paid) Treehouse -  Learn Web Design, Web Development, and More  (paid) Google online tutorials and articles (free) Once you feel comfortable knowing the basics, you must then immerse yourself in the world of design. This is how you'll get experience — from diving right into projects/clients, and designing day in and d...

Tips for beginners UI/UX designers

Tip 1. Strong determination and clear ambitions The first and really crucial thing may sound rather primitive: you should make sure that you really want to make it your job. There are lots of people who, being great artists, deeply creative and inspired, get broken by the necessity to work systematically with strict deadlines and loads of requirements and wishes (sometimes illogical or not-too-professional) from the customers. Clear up the nature of your job: designer is not a pure artist free of obligations and fully devoted to creativity. Nope. In different stages of your project, you’re also going to be a researcher, an analyst, a time-manager and so on and so forth. Bear in mind all those things from the very start of the way. Tip 2. Get experience from the best artisans That is a sort of eternal advice working in the sphere of web design as great as in any other field of creativity. First you study from the best stars in your trade and, if you are industrious and hard-work...

Difference between UX and UI designer and web designer?

UI Designers "UI" stands for " User interface ". Traditionally, that means the actual buttons, text, and pixels that appear on the screen. So the UI designer would be responsible for everything about how a web site or application appears in the interface - this would include visuals (e.g. "Are the buttons pink or blue?" "Do they have gradients or are they flat?") as well as overall architecture of the page (e.g. "We should put the Sign Up button at the top of the screen because it's the most important thing").  UX Designers "UX" stands for " User experience ". This is a much broader and higher-level discipline than UI, because it includes not just the interface, but also all the systems and interactions that support it. For example, the UX designer should care about what happens when a frustrated user calls the help desk as well as how pixels appear on the screen.  Interestingly enough, because thi...

Why are so many game developers opposed to gamification?

"Gamification" and "bringing game mechanics to serious endeavors" are not necessarily the same thing. It's hard to talk for all the game developers, but I will give you my take on this issue: The most basic characteristic about games is they are  intrinsically motivated  activities which  challenge  players in a specific  skill  (I am not talking about other types of play, which are not games by definition). Games are a  voluntary  activity - because when they are not, they aren't games anymore, they are a chore, a task, a job. Most of the other  extrinsic  motivation-creating game mechanics (that include badges, levels, coins, etc.) are not unique to games. Moreover, they are used by organisations for decades (or more?) to generate (extrinsic) motivation (just think about schools and workplaces). I admit that the game industry perfected these extrinsic motivations better than others, as these mechanisms be...

How do I learn game development step by step?

started going deeper into computers and programming, I realized how big a field Game Development (not just Game Programming,) is and that there's so much to do before you can actually build a game. It's very hard for just on person to build a game in a short time. To give a simple answer: your basic math and physics right. Irrespective of what anybody might say, you NEED these. You cannot build even the simplest of games without at least some math. 2. Learn to be organized. Very important. While developing a game, you cannot just sit in front of the computer, type some code and expect to not hit hard hurdles. Before you start building a game, you need to  plan . What kind of a game are you building? What is it about? What are the elements involved? What is the story?  How do things work in your game? You need to get the basic framework right. If you're looking at big, Call Of Duty-like games: 3. Learn to code. Start with very basic programming, like Pyt...

دليلك لعمل فيلم رسوم متحركة (Animation)

مرحلة ما قبل الإنتاج Pre-Production أحياناً يدمج البعض مرحلة التطوير Development في هذه المرحلة لتصبحا مرحلة واحدة، وعموماً تلك إختلافات واردة من إستوديو لآخر ومن فريق عمل لآخر، ولكن تبقى الخطوط العريضة واضحة ومتّفق عليها. في هذه المرحلة نبدأ بتحويل كل ما سبق في مرحلة التطوير لعمل ملموس، وتبدأ التقنيات في الظهور بعض الشيء، وتنتهي تلك المرحلة حين يصبح كل شيء جاهزاً لبدء العمل في تصوير مشاهد الفيلم نفسه. 1-     الصوت Vocal Tracks وهي مرحلة تسجيل الادآء الصوتي، حيث يتم فيها إختيار القائمين على عمل الادآء الصوتي للشخصيات وتسجيل أصواتهم وإستخدامها فيما بعد عند التحريك مع مراعاة أن يكون الادآء الصوتي مناسباً للمشهد ولنمط الشخصية، وأن يتناسب التحريك فيما بعد مع هذا الآداء الصوتي. (مثلاً عند عمل الادآء الصوتي لشخصية تقفز من الفرح لا يجب أن تكون نبرة الصوت عادية أو بها القليل من الحماس، بل يجب أن تنفجر من الحماس في الواقع). هذه المرحلة إختيارية وهناك أفلام – أغلبها قصيرة – لا يتحدث فيها الأبطال إلا فيما ندر أو ربما لا يتحدث الأبطال فيها على الإطلاق، هناك ح...